
Tax is a vital motivation system in BetaMars. Players could make use of the tax system to achieve a more reasonable Elonpunk distribution solution, contributing to funny combination gameplay strategies.

Tax Revenue

BetaMars will charge an additional 10% + N% (Initial Value N=0, Maximum=50) basic tax from the Elonpunk Pool output, which will be executed by the contract and invested in the tax pool. When it meets the triggering conditions of the Great Revolution, tax will change N value according to the result of the hash collision of the Great Revolution. BetaMars will also put 70% of the daily BetaMars ticket income as an additional reward into the Tax Pool. This long-term incentive policy will allow the Lords to shoulder their management responsibilities in the BetaMars world and promote the orderly development of the BetaMars 1.0 world.

Tax Pool Dividends Rules

The Tax Pool Dividends mechanism is an important driving force for both Lords and Miners to build BetaMars 1.0. Now there are two modes, respectively daily tax dividends and the Great Revolution dividends.

Daily Tax Dividends: Tax Pool will reward a 40% of dividends to all the Lords who burns Revo at the Tax Pool (only Lords are allowed to burn Revo at the Tax Pool), the distribution proportion is:

Lords’ daily tax dividends=Self daily burning Revo amount ÷ Total daily burning Revo amount × Tax Pool Balance ×40%

The Great Revolution Tax Dividends: When the Great Revolution is triggered in the BetaMars World, all the tax balance will be divided up by participants who stake Revo at the Rage Pool (both Lords and Miners can stake Revo at the Rage Pool). The distribution proportion is :

The Great Revolution dividends revenue=Self staked Revo amount at the Rage Pool ÷ Total amount of Revo at the Rage Pool × Tax Pool balance

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